Artist picture of Ronny Jordan

Ronny Jordan

8 590 fans

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Artist's top tracks

Album cover of So What!
So What!
Album cover of After Hours (The Antidote)
After Hours (The Antidote)
Album cover of S**T Goes Down
S**T Goes Down
Album cover of The Jackal
Album cover of Rio
Album cover of Breauxlude
Album cover of Season For Change
Season For Change
Album cover of So What!
Album cover of At Last
At Last
Album cover of Nite And Day
Nite And Day

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Real name Robert Laurence Albert Simpson (London, November 29, 1962 - January 13, 2014), British guitarist and pastor's son Ronny Jordan sang in gospel groups before turning his attention to funk and jazz. His discovery of the great guitar stylists led him to learn the instrument, and his taste for rap to incorporate it into his first songs. His debut album The Antidote (1992) is the perfect example of what came to be known as acid jazz: a resurgence of jazz through funk, soul and rap, with the guitar back in the foreground. In keeping with the times, Ronny Jordan gave a new lease of life to the Miles Davis classic "So What ", which became a hit at no. 32 in the UK and no. 38 in France. The following year, the rapper Guru invited him to appear on his collective album Jazzmatazz, which showcased his playing. Ronny Jordan enjoyed further success with the album The Quiet Revolution (1993), featuring three chart-topping tracks, remixed by DJ Krush under the title Bad Brothers (1995), followed by Light to Dark (1996) and the Grammy-nominated A Brighter Day (Blue Note, 2000). Four more albums were released before the guitarist's death on January 13, 2014, at the age of 51.