Artist picture of Cliff Martinez

Cliff Martinez

7 690 fans

Listen to all of Cliff Martinez's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Vous n'êtes pas seul
Vous n'êtes pas seul
Album cover of Appelez-moi Philippe
Appelez-moi Philippe
Album cover of I Drive
I Drive
Album cover of Vous aimez ces couleurs ?
Vous aimez ces couleurs ?
Album cover of Monika
Album cover of Les territoires inconnus
Les territoires inconnus
Album cover of Un étrange chantier
Un étrange chantier
Album cover of Advice From a Triple Dij
Advice From a Triple Dij
Album cover of Bride of Deluxe
Bride of Deluxe
Album cover of Miu Stretches
Miu Stretches

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Playlists & music by Cliff Martinez

Cover of playlist Soundtrack for Study Soundtrack for Study 114 tracks - 2 392 fans
Cover of playlist Electronic soundtracks Electronic soundtracks 50 tracks - 10 824 fans
Cover of playlist Cosmos Classical Cosmos Classical 100 tracks - 37 936 fans
Cover of playlist Cannes Hits Cannes Hits 22 tracks - 658 fans
Cover of playlist Binge - tv series soundtracks Binge - tv series soundtracks 76 tracks - 295 fans
Cover of playlist Blind Test : Musiques de film Blind Test : Musiques de film 98 tracks - 1 267 fans
Cover of playlist Lower Park Drive 3am Lower Park Drive 3am 21 tracks - 2 fans

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Listen to Cliff Martinez on Deezer

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Getting fired from his job as drummer in The Red Hot Chilli Peppers launched Cliff Martinez into a successful career as a TV and film music composer. His dismissal from the band by founding members Flea and Kiedis was brought about because they felt Martinez lacked commitment . Martinez had played on the band's successful debut album and its follow-up Freaky Styley but during the recording of the third album, The Uplift Mofo Party Plan, he was served notice to quit and subsequently turned his attention to writing for TV and film. Early work on the score for Pee Wee Herman's Playhouse brought him to the attention of Academy Award-winning director Steven Soderburgh resulting in a series of successful collaborations. His distinctive soundtracks often feature heavily-manipulated percussive sounds and have forged a niche for Martinez who often composes music for dark psychological dramas. Regular collaborations with Soderburgh established him as a highly regarded composer and in recent times he has been engaged on projects with directors such as Nickolas Jarecki, Harmony Korine, Nicholas Winding and Robert Redford.