Artist picture of Quarteto Em Cy

Quarteto Em Cy

43 863 fans

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Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Tudo Que Voce Podia Ser
Tudo Que Voce Podia Ser
Album cover of Apesar De Você
Apesar De Você
Album cover of Onde Anda Você
Onde Anda Você
Album cover of Tarde em Itapua
Tarde em Itapua
Album cover of Tempo de amor
Album cover of Falando De Amor
Falando De Amor
Album cover of Cavalo-Ferro

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Playlists & music by Quarteto Em Cy

Cover of playlist Sunny Bossa Nova Sunny Bossa Nova 49 tracks - 70 500 fans
Cover of playlist Cosmo Funk Cosmo Funk 485 tracks - 1 278 fans
Cover of playlist Summer Bossa Nova Summer Bossa Nova 50 tracks - 2 547 fans
Cover of playlist Exportação Bossa Nova Exportação Bossa Nova 50 tracks - 16 496 fans
Cover of playlist 80 Tons de Brasil 80 Tons de Brasil 80 tracks - 6 652 fans
Cover of playlist Café Kitsuné : BREAKFAST VIBES Café Kitsuné : BREAKFAST VIBES 288 tracks - 278 fans
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Cover of playlist Eu Sou o Samba Eu Sou o Samba 70 tracks - 113 378 fans
Cover of playlist Café Kitsuné : CHILL TONIC Café Kitsuné : CHILL TONIC 279 tracks - 1 597 fans
Cover of playlist Essenciais da Música Brasileira Essenciais da Música Brasileira 50 tracks - 72 686 fans
Cover of playlist Anos 70 no Brasil Anos 70 no Brasil 65 tracks - 43 283 fans
Cover of playlist Elas, Divinas Elas, Divinas 55 tracks - 55 350 fans
Cover of playlist RÍO 2(0)20 by J.A. Montano RÍO 2(0)20 by J.A. Montano 119 tracks - 16 fans
Cover of playlist Bossa Nova Bossa Nova 61 tracks - 91 fans
Cover of playlist MPB Clássicas - As Melhores MPB Clássicas - As Melhores 148 tracks - 7 fans

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Quarteto em Cy are a Brazilian vocal girl group from Ibirataia, Bahia. Formed in 1959, the group, which consisted of sisters Cybele, Cylene, Cynara, and Cyva Ribeiro de Sá Leite, started performing on local television and then relocated to Rio de Janeiro in the early 60s to advance their music career. After playing in small clubs and discotheques in the city, they were discovered by poet and lyricist Vinicius de Moraes, who helped them come up with their name. After signing with the label Elenco, Quarteto em Cy made their debut in 1964 with a self-titled LP that featured the hit single “Tudo o Que Você Podia,” a track written by Clube da Esquina's Marcio and Lô Borges that solidified the group’s status as one of the most promising artists in the bossa nova scene. In the following years, the group collaborated extensively with some of the biggest names in Brazilian popular music of the 60s and 70s, including Dorival Caymmi, Vinicius de Moraes, Baden Powell, and MPB4, and cultivated a large international fan base outside of their native Brazil. Following a brief hiatus between 1970 and 1972 and some minor lineup changes, Quarteto em Cy continued to record and perform well into the 21st century, even after Cybele’s death in 2014.