Artist picture of The Dear Hunter

The Dear Hunter

7 113 fans

Listen to all of The Dear Hunter's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Ring 4 - Patrol
Ring 4 - Patrol
Album cover of Ring 5 - Middle Class
Ring 5 - Middle Class
Album cover of Ring 7 - Industry
Ring 7 - Industry
Album cover of Ring 6 - LoTown
Ring 6 - LoTown
Album cover of Ring 8 - Poverty
Ring 8 - Poverty
Album cover of Ring 3 - Luxury
Ring 3 - Luxury
Album cover of Ring 2 - Nature
Ring 2 - Nature
Album cover of Ring 1 - Tower
Ring 1 - Tower
Album cover of Bring You Down
Bring You Down
Album cover of Waves

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