Artist picture of Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt

1 045 fans

Listen to all of Emily Blunt's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of The Place Where Lost Things Go
The Place Where Lost Things Go
Album cover of Can You Imagine That?
Album cover of A Very Nice Prince
A Very Nice Prince
Album cover of It Takes Two
It Takes Two
Album cover of Moments in the Woods
Moments in the Woods
Album cover of Wild Mountain Thyme
Wild Mountain Thyme

Most popular release

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Most popular albums from Emily Blunt

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Playlists & music by Emily Blunt

Cover of playlist Musical Hits Musical Hits 85 tracks - 5 251 fans
Cover of playlist Movie Hits Movie Hits 98 tracks - 950 fans
Cover of playlist Mundo Disney Mundo Disney 50 tracks - 38 843 fans
Cover of playlist Bandas Sonoras Bandas Sonoras 117 tracks - 472 fans

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