Artist picture of Amy Dickson

Amy Dickson

958 fans

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Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Sonata for Violin and Piano (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : Movement I
Sonata for Violin and Piano (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : Movement I
Album cover of Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : III. Crotchet = 150
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : III. Crotchet = 150
Album cover of Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : II. Crotchet = 108
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : II. Crotchet = 108
Album cover of Somewhere Out There (From
Somewhere Out There (From "An American Tail")
Album cover of This Land (From
This Land (From "The Lion King")
Album cover of Six Studies in English Folk-Song: IV. Lento
Six Studies in English Folk-Song: IV. Lento
Album cover of Pavane, Op. 50 (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra)
Pavane, Op. 50 (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra)
Album cover of Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : I. Crotchet = 104
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : I. Crotchet = 104
Album cover of The Sound of Silence
The Sound of Silence
Album cover of Sonata for Violin and Piano (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : Movement III
Sonata for Violin and Piano (Arr. for Saxophone and Orchestra) : Movement III

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by Amy Dickson

528 fans

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