Artist picture of Alain Chamfort

Alain Chamfort

42 592 fans

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Album cover of Tout s'arrange à la fin
Tout s'arrange à la fin
Album cover of Manureva
Album cover of L'apocalypse heureuse
L'apocalypse heureuse
Album cover of Rendez-vous
Album cover of Bambou
Album cover of La fièvre dans le sang
La fièvre dans le sang
Album cover of Jet Society
Jet Society
Album cover of Dans mes yeux
Dans mes yeux
Album cover of Altiplano
Album cover of La fièvre dans le sang
La fièvre dans le sang

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Playlists & music by Alain Chamfort

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Listen to Alain Chamfort on Deezer

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Better known by his stage name Alain Chamfort, the author, composer and performer of the hit "Manureva " and other gems was born Alain Le Govic in Paris on March 2, 1949. A subtle and elusive artist, he has navigated the gamut between chanson à texte and French pop. After his yé-yé beginnings with the group Les Mods in the 1960s, then as a charming singer in the following decade, Alain Chamfort has established himself over the years as a singular singer whose talent as a melodist has outlived fashion, with collaborations ranging from Claude François to Serge Gainsbourg. An eternal dandy, his slender silhouette has been moving from hit to hit since "Manureva " (1979). Other 1980s hits include "Bambou", "Paradis", "La Fièvre dans le sange " and "Traces de toi", right through to "Grand retour ", and magnificent albums such as Rock'n'Rose (1978), Secrets Glacés (1983) and Le Plaisir (2003). In 2010, the conceptual collection Une Vie Saint Laurent marked the culmination of his work. Two years later, Alain Chamfort surrounded himself with women for Elles & Lui, an album of classics from his repertoire. The following album, simply entitled Alain Chamfort (2015), sees him renew his collaboration with Jacques Duvall. He returned three years later with Le Désordre des Choses (2018), then enlisted the services of an orchestra to polish his melodies on Symphonique Dandy (2021), captured live. Back in 2024, Alain Chamfort signs what he announces as his last album in this format with L'Impermanence, for which he has surrounded himself, on composition or production, with Sébastien Tellier, Para One, Benjamin Lebeau and Johan Dalgaard. The result reached No. 16 in the sales and listening charts.