Artist picture of Reda Taliani

Reda Taliani

72 064 fans

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Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Deni keratni (Va bene)
Deni keratni (Va bene)
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Ouine n'rouhou ouine
Album cover of N'gattak wila bougité
N'gattak wila bougité
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Sbaglia Paga
Album cover of Dit moi
Dit moi
Album cover of Nebghik sans pitié
Nebghik sans pitié
Album cover of Merdi l'amour
Merdi l'amour
Album cover of L'Étranger

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by Reda Taliani, Moro


10 fans

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Playlists & music by Reda Taliani

Cover of playlist HITS RAÏ 90 - 2000 HITS RAÏ 90 - 2000 66 tracks - 1 544 fans
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Born on January 23, 1980 in El-Biar, a commune bordering Algiers, Tamni Reda grew up in Koléa, west of the Algerian capital. Enrolled at the conservatory from the age of 5, the young Tamni Reda began practicing music and learning to play traditional instruments, including the mandolin. Influenced by a wide range of aesthetics, from Bob Marley to Cheb Hasni, he gradually developed a taste for Algerian raï and chaâbi. He began his artistic and musical career in the 1990s, and became more popular in the 2000s, when he combined pop innovations with his more traditional raï. He opted for the stage name Reda Taliani and released his first album in 2000, Ache Dani Elwahd Tayra. After joining the Dounia Production label, he recorded his most successful album, Joséphine (2007). With millions of listens, Taliani is helping to promote Raï and bring Algerian cultural traditions up to date. Taliani is also known for his collaborations with other musical aesthetics, notably with French rap group 113 on the track "Partir loin " (2005). After further collaborations with French artists, including Tunisiano on "Ça passe ou ça casse" (2008) and Grand Corps Malade on "Inch'allah" (2011), Reda Taliani made a name for himself with the albums Denia Keratni (2013) and Merdi l'amour (2015).