Artist picture of Byron Lee and The Dragonaires

Byron Lee and The Dragonaires

509 fans

Listen to all of Byron Lee and The Dragonaires's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Silver Bells
Album cover of Dancehall Soca
Album cover of Oil in My Lamp (feat. Monty Morris)
Oil in My Lamp (feat. Monty Morris)
Album cover of Kingston Calypso
Kingston Calypso
Album cover of Bam Bam (feat. Toots and the Maytals)
Bam Bam (feat. Toots and the Maytals)
Album cover of Give Me Soca

Most popular release

New releases from Byron Lee and The Dragonaires on Deezer

Popular albums

Most popular albums from Byron Lee and The Dragonaires


Playlists & music by Byron Lee and The Dragonaires

Cover of playlist Steady Reggae Steady Reggae 209 tracks - 285 fans
Cover of playlist Playlist Chinese Man's selection Playlist Chinese Man's selection 136 tracks - 1 912 fans
Cover of playlist Rocksteady Rocksteady 40 tracks - 504 fans

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Listen to Byron Lee and The Dragonaires on Deezer

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