Album picture of Paris, near the opera

Paris, near the opera


Laurence Ipsum : écoute l'album Paris, near the opera

Titres de l'album

Album cover of War; a constant longing everyone carries inside
War; a constant longing everyone carries inside
Album cover of I remember looking at you for an entire evening
I remember looking at you for an entire evening
Album cover of Stunned and mesmerized
Stunned and mesmerized
Album cover of When you invited me over to your place
When you invited me over to your place
Album cover of You said come home
You said come home
Album cover of Disarmed hit soft
Disarmed hit soft
Album cover of What
Album cover of You couldn't know, but
You couldn't know, but
Album cover of I'd longed all my life to hear that
I'd longed all my life to hear that
Album cover of Peace, finally
Peace, finally
Album cover of I've been thinking of you every single day ever since
I've been thinking of you every single day ever since
Album cover of I miss you and all that might have been
I miss you and all that might have been

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