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Slotting in to the electro-pop realm of artists like Lorde and Billie Eilish, Australian-born singer and songwriter AViVA has racked up upwards of 600 million streams since she released her hit single 'GRRRLS' in 2017.
Born Aviva Anastasia Payne into a creative family, AViVA grew up under the influence of her musician father and uncles. She studied violin from an early age and went on to study theatre and education at the University of Notre Dame Australia.
Although 'GRRRLS' is widely credited as her first single, in her early 20s she did release the song 'Crystaleyes'. It was two years later in 2017 under the re-stylised moniker AViVA that she really broke out, however. 'GRRRLS' was a viral hit, topping 100 million streams before the end of 2018.
In 2018 AViVA built on the success with the follow-ups 'Drown', 'Blame It On the Kids', 'BRN' and 'HUSHH'.
2019 saw the singer make the move to Los Angeles to continue building her career. The year has brought the singles 'Blackout', 'Rabbit Hole' and 'STREETS', continuing her run of singles climbing past the million-listen mark on streaming platforms.