Duo Beatbox & Machines / Synths
Hip-hop fusion / Bass music
If this title seems enigmatic to you, try pronouncing it by emphasizing the consonants: "Po - Tsi - Kei" and repeat the phrase in a loop. Pronounced correctly, this mantra has the power to turn you into a true human beatbox! POTSIKEI is also a duo with modern and striking sounds.
On one side, there’s MAÅSS, a 360° pianist. He puts his sharp playing skills at the service of powerful analog synthesizers, blending in samples and harmonic colors inspired by Jazz.
ORFEY, on the other hand, is a beatboxer, French champion in 2020. A true mobile drummer (in 4 dimensions), he crafts his rhythms with precision and offers us a dazzling vocal range.
Both rhythm mercenaries, these improvisation enthusiasts take us on a playful duel between voice and machine.
This futuristic capsule takes us to a galaxy far, far away…