Artist picture of Lera Lynn

Lera Lynn

8 584 takipçi

Tüm Lera Lynn şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Sanatçının En çok dinlenenleri

Album cover of Bobby Baby
Bobby Baby
Album cover of My Least Favorite Life
My Least Favorite Life
Album cover of The Only Thing Worth Fighting For
The Only Thing Worth Fighting For
Album cover of A Church In Ruins
A Church In Ruins
Album cover of Wolf Like Me ft. Shovels & Rope
Wolf Like Me ft. Shovels & Rope
Album cover of Free Again
Free Again
Album cover of It Only Takes One Shot
It Only Takes One Shot
Album cover of Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire
Album cover of Endless
Album cover of Lately

En popüler prodüksiyon

Yeni çıkan şarkılarıyla Lera Lynn Deezer'da

Popüler albümler

Lera Lynn ve en popüler albümleri

Benzer sanatçılar

Lera Lynn ile benzer sanatçıları bul

Leonard Cohen Leonard Cohen 644 211 takipçi
Thomas Dybdahl Thomas Dybdahl 5 616 takipçi
Johnny Cash Johnny Cash 1 692 537 takipçi
Arnaud Roy Arnaud Roy 990 takipçi
Shovels & Rope Shovels & Rope 5 644 takipçi
Nick Cave Nick Cave 135 949 takipçi
The Handsome Family The Handsome Family 12 448 takipçi
Agnes Obel Agnes Obel 271 982 takipçi
Cat Power Cat Power 150 874 takipçi
Warren Ellis Warren Ellis 8 770 takipçi
Kalandra Kalandra 7 676 takipçi
Massive Attack Massive Attack 1 093 002 takipçi
Angelo Badalamenti Angelo Badalamenti 11 843 takipçi
Joan Baez Joan Baez 155 236 takipçi
First Aid Kit First Aid Kit 139 998 takipçi

Çalma listeleri

Çalma listeleri ve müziğiyle Lera Lynn

Cover of playlist Binge - tv series soundtracks Binge - tv series soundtracks 76 şarkı - 296 takipçi
Cover of playlist True Detective Soundtrack True Detective Soundtrack 32 şarkı - 1 927 takipçi
Cover of playlist INDIE & ICONS INDIE & ICONS 59 şarkı - 443 takipçi
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Modern Love Soundtrack: Modern Love 102 şarkı - 378 takipçi
Cover of playlist The Young Pope: Official Playlist The Young Pope: Official Playlist 74 şarkı - 3 721 takipçi
Cover of playlist Best of 2016 Indie-Freak-Out Best of 2016 Indie-Freak-Out 45 şarkı - 232 takipçi
Cover of playlist 2020 fade out 2020 fade out 49 şarkı - 67 takipçi
Cover of playlist Todas As Flores Todas As Flores 26 şarkı - 843 takipçi

Yer aldığı albümler

Lera Lynn şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Her ambiyans için
