Artist picture of William Basinski

William Basinski

5 600 takipçi

Tüm William Basinski şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Sanatçının En çok dinlenenleri

Album cover of Melancholia I
Melancholia I
Album cover of Melancholia IX
Melancholia IX
Album cover of September 23rd
September 23rd
Album cover of September 23rd
September 23rd
Album cover of September 23rd
September 23rd
Album cover of September 23rd
September 23rd
Album cover of Melancholia X
Melancholia X
Album cover of September 23rd
September 23rd
Album cover of . . . on reflection (two)
. . . on reflection (two)
Album cover of September 23rd
September 23rd

Yeni çıkanlar

Yeni çıkan şarkılarıyla William Basinski Deezer'da

Popüler albümler

William Basinski ve en popüler albümleri

Benzer sanatçılar

William Basinski ile benzer sanatçıları bul

Brian Eno Brian Eno 61 887 takipçi
Aphex Twin Aphex Twin 542 441 takipçi
Lawrence English Lawrence English 983 takipçi
Stars of the Lid Stars of the Lid 5 478 takipçi
Boards of Canada Boards of Canada 252 211 takipçi
Jon Hopkins Jon Hopkins 88 230 takipçi
Loscil Loscil 5 760 takipçi
Tim Hecker Tim Hecker 11 728 takipçi
Swans Swans 34 414 takipçi
GAS GAS 2 245 takipçi
Ryuichi Sakamoto Ryuichi Sakamoto 68 473 takipçi
Nils Frahm Nils Frahm 83 185 takipçi
Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu 10 961 takipçi
alva noto Alva noto 6 792 takipçi

Çalma listeleri

Çalma listeleri ve müziğiyle William Basinski

Cover of playlist Selected Ambient Selected Ambient 61 şarkı - 48 872 takipçi
Cover of playlist Ambient Essentials Ambient Essentials 40 şarkı - 32 771 takipçi
Cover of playlist No Stress No Stress 34 şarkı - 130 takipçi
Cover of playlist Erased Tapes Staff Picks Erased Tapes Staff Picks 197 şarkı - 277 takipçi
Cover of playlist Erased Tapes Staff Picks Erased Tapes Staff Picks 196 şarkı - 85 takipçi
Cover of playlist Sonic Artefacts Sonic Artefacts 59 şarkı - 74 takipçi
Cover of playlist Deep Cuts Ambient Deep Cuts Ambient 25 şarkı - 20 takipçi
Cover of playlist Kaito Resonance Kaito Resonance 70 şarkı - 1 takipçi
Cover of playlist La playlist de Lyele La playlist de Lyele 15 şarkı - 7 takipçi
Cover of playlist Jon Hopkins : Quiet Jon Hopkins : Quiet 178 şarkı - 272 takipçi

Yer aldığı albümler

William Basinski şarkılarını Deezer'da dinle

Her ambiyans için