Album picture of A Woodland Fable

A Woodland Fable


Listen to the album A Woodland Fable by Novemthree

Album Tracks

Album cover of At the Feast Mr Badger Warns of Impending Doom
At the Feast Mr Badger Warns of Impending Doom
Album cover of This Comes as a Shock as Mrs Fox Protects Her Younglings
This Comes as a Shock as Mrs Fox Protects Her Younglings
Album cover of All of the Otters Both of Them Begin to Argue
All of the Otters Both of Them Begin to Argue
Album cover of The Squirrels Scatter Amongst the Firs but the Rest Stay to Listen
The Squirrels Scatter Amongst the Firs but the Rest Stay to Listen
Album cover of Even the Birds Stay Alert Though High Up in the Trees
Even the Birds Stay Alert Though High Up in the Trees
Album cover of Just Then Ms Grizzly Buries Her Head in Her Paws as She Hears It Approach
Just Then Ms Grizzly Buries Her Head in Her Paws as She Hears It Approach

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