Album picture of Handel - Solomon

Handel - Solomon


Listen to the album Handel - Solomon by Edition Monastery Maulbronn

Album Tracks

Album cover of Intrada - Ouverture
Intrada - Ouverture
Album cover of The Priests Your Harps and Cymbols Sound
The Priests Your Harps and Cymbols Sound
Album cover of Air - Levite - Praise Ye the Lord for all his mercies past
Air - Levite - Praise Ye the Lord for all his mercies past
Album cover of The Priests - WIth pious heart resound your maker's name
The Priests - WIth pious heart resound your maker's name
Album cover of Solomon - Almighty pow'r, who rul'st the earth and skies
Solomon - Almighty pow'r, who rul'st the earth and skies
Album cover of Zadok - Imperial Solomon, thy pray'rs are heard
Zadok - Imperial Solomon, thy pray'rs are heard
Album cover of Zadok - Sacred raptures cheer my breast
Zadok - Sacred raptures cheer my breast
Album cover of The Israelites - Throughout the land Jehovahs' praise
The Israelites - Throughout the land Jehovahs' praise
Album cover of Solomon - Bless'd be the Lord - What though I trace each hearb and flow'r
Solomon - Bless'd be the Lord - What though I trace each hearb and flow'r
Album cover of Solomon - And see my Queen, my wedded love
Solomon - And see my Queen, my wedded love
Album cover of Queen - Bless'd the day when first myeyes
Queen - Bless'd the day when first myeyes
Album cover of Solomon & Queen - Thou fair inhabitant of Nile - Welcome as the dawn of day
Solomon & Queen - Thou fair inhabitant of Nile - Welcome as the dawn of day
Album cover of Queen - When thou art absent from my sight - With thee th'undshelter'd moor I'd
Queen - When thou art absent from my sight - With thee th'undshelter'd moor I'd
Album cover of Chorus - May no rash intruder disturb their soft hours
Chorus - May no rash intruder disturb their soft hours
Album cover of Corus - From the censer curling rise
Corus - From the censer curling rise
Album cover of Solomon - Prais'd be the lord - When the sun o'er yonder hills pours in tides th
Solomon - Prais'd be the lord - When the sun o'er yonder hills pours in tides th
Album cover of Solomon - My sovereign liege two women stand - Admit them straight
Solomon - My sovereign liege two women stand - Admit them straight
Album cover of Harlots & Solomon - Words are weak to paint my fears
Harlots & Solomon - Words are weak to paint my fears
Album cover of Solomon & Second Harlot - What says the other to th'imputed charge
Solomon & Second Harlot - What says the other to th'imputed charge
Album cover of Second Harlot - Thy sentence, great king, is prudent
Second Harlot - Thy sentence, great king, is prudent

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