Album picture of Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)

Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time)


Listen to the album Handel: SAUL (English Oratorio in three acts, performed according to the traditions of the time) by Nancy Argenta

Album Tracks

Album cover of Ouverture: Symphony (Allegro - Larghetto - Allegro)
Ouverture: Symphony (Allegro - Larghetto - Allegro)
Album cover of How Excellent Thy Name, O Lord (Chorus Of Israelites)
How Excellent Thy Name, O Lord (Chorus Of Israelites)
Album cover of An Infant Rais'd By Thy Command (Air Soprano)
An Infant Rais'd By Thy Command (Air Soprano)
Album cover of Along The Monster Atheist Strode (Chorus: Alto, Tenor, Basso)
Along The Monster Atheist Strode (Chorus: Alto, Tenor, Basso)
Album cover of The Youth Inspir'd By Thee, O Lord (Chorus Of Israelites)
The Youth Inspir'd By Thee, O Lord (Chorus Of Israelites)
Album cover of How Excellent Thy Name, O Lord. Hallelujah (Chorus Of Israelites)
How Excellent Thy Name, O Lord. Hallelujah (Chorus Of Israelites)
Album cover of He Comes (Michal) - O Godlike Youth (Air Michal)
He Comes (Michal) - O Godlike Youth (Air Michal)
Album cover of Behold, O King, The Brave, Victorious Youth (Recit. Abner, David, Saul)
Behold, O King, The Brave, Victorious Youth (Recit. Abner, David, Saul)
Album cover of O King, Your Favours With Delight I Take (Air David)
O King, Your Favours With Delight I Take (Air David)
Album cover of Oh, Early Piety! Oh, Modest Merit! (Jonathan) - What Abject Thoughts A Prince Can Have (Air Merab)
Oh, Early Piety! Oh, Modest Merit! (Jonathan) - What Abject Thoughts A Prince Can Have (Air Merab)
Album cover of Yet Think On Whom This Honour You Bestow (Merab) - Birth And Fortune I Despise! (Air Jonathan)
Yet Think On Whom This Honour You Bestow (Merab) - Birth And Fortune I Despise! (Air Jonathan)
Album cover of Thou, Merab, First In Birth, Be First In Honour (Saul) - My Soul Rejects The Thought With Scorn (Air Merab)
Thou, Merab, First In Birth, Be First In Honour (Saul) - My Soul Rejects The Thought With Scorn (Air Merab)
Album cover of See, With What A Scornful Air - Ah, Lovely Youth, Wast Thou Design'd (Air Michal)
See, With What A Scornful Air - Ah, Lovely Youth, Wast Thou Design'd (Air Michal)
Album cover of Symphony (Andante Allegro) - Already See The Daughters Of The Land (Michal)
Symphony (Andante Allegro) - Already See The Daughters Of The Land (Michal)
Album cover of Welcome, Welcome, Mighty King (Chorus Of Israelites)
Welcome, Welcome, Mighty King (Chorus Of Israelites)
Album cover of What Do I Hear? Am I Then Sunk So Low (Accomp. Saul) - David His Ten Thousands Slew (Chorus Of Israelites)
What Do I Hear? Am I Then Sunk So Low (Accomp. Saul) - David His Ten Thousands Slew (Chorus Of Israelites)
Album cover of To Him Ten Thousands, And To Me But Thousands - With Rage I Shall Burst His Praises To Hear (Accomp. & Air Saul)
To Him Ten Thousands, And To Me But Thousands - With Rage I Shall Burst His Praises To Hear (Accomp. & Air Saul)
Album cover of Imprudent Women (Jonathan) - 'Tis But His Old Disease, Which Thou Canst Cure (Michal)
Imprudent Women (Jonathan) - 'Tis But His Old Disease, Which Thou Canst Cure (Michal)
Album cover of Fell Rage And Black Despair Possess'd (Air Michal)
Fell Rage And Black Despair Possess'd (Air Michal)
Album cover of Racked With Infernal Pains (Abner) - O Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless (Air David)
Racked With Infernal Pains (Abner) - O Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless (Air David)

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