Born in Baghdad, he completed his secondary education and then went to the field of art and recordings in the studios. At the time, he was listening to the Institute of Music Studies with his brother Raed Shami.
His debut in the compositions was an epic song by Majid al-Mohandes. He moved to the Jordanian capital in 1998 and worked there in the studios of Jordan. He moved between Syria, Jordan and Lebanon at that time until 2002, then went to the United Arab Emirates. The song "Muhajir" sang by the Iraqi artist Hatem Iraqi, because of this song met with artist Rashid Al Majed and began to cooperate with him with two songs (Salamat and song will), after these two songs set out with the most prominent Arab stars, including artist Abdul Majid Abdullah and Fayez Al-Saeed and Asil Abu Bakr and Hussein Jassmi and Nawal Kuwaiti and Rashid Al-Faris and Al-Osami and Aida Al-Menhali and Majed Al-Mohandes and other important names in the technical arena.
He started his singing career with Fayez Al-Saeed, started his first album (Masiba) in 2008 and started his career with fame. He participated in several festivals including Hala February, Leila Dubai, Souq Waqif and others. Which has been successful and seen even though it is not illustrated.