Artist picture of Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares

Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares

2 929 fans

Listen to all of Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares's tracks on Deezer

Artist's Top Tracks

Album cover of Prïtoutïtze Planinata (Song from the Thracian Plain)
Prïtoutïtze Planinata (Song from the Thracian Plain)
Album cover of Kalimankou Denkou (The Evening Gathering)
Kalimankou Denkou (The Evening Gathering)
Album cover of Bre_Yvance (Dancing Song)
Bre_Yvance (Dancing Song)
Album cover of Polegnala e Pschenitza (Harvest Song from Thrace)
Polegnala e Pschenitza (Harvest Song from Thrace)
Album cover of Messetschinko lio Gre_livko (Love Song from the Mountains)
Messetschinko lio Gre_livko (Love Song from the Mountains)
Album cover of Ei Mori Roujke (You Little Roujke)
Ei Mori Roujke (You Little Roujke)
Album cover of Polegnala e Todora (Love Song)
Polegnala e Todora (Love Song)

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