Artist picture of Die Ärzte

Die Ärzte

282 424 fans

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Album cover of Junge
Album cover of Männer sind Schweine
Männer sind Schweine
Album cover of Hurra
Album cover of M&F
Album cover of Westerland
Album cover of Lasse redn
Lasse redn
Album cover of Schrei nach Liebe
Schrei nach Liebe
Album cover of Meine Freunde
Meine Freunde
Album cover of Sweet Sweet Gwendoline
Sweet Sweet Gwendoline

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by Die Ärzte


446 fans

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Playlists & music by Die Ärzte

Cover of playlist Hits für Kids Hits für Kids 60 tracks - 16 389 fans
Cover of playlist Zeitreise 00er Zeitreise 00er 60 tracks - 26 013 fans
Cover of playlist 90er Party Hits 90er Party Hits 100 tracks - 108 629 fans
Cover of playlist Deutschland, deine Hits - 00er Deutschland, deine Hits - 00er 50 tracks - 3 925 fans
Cover of playlist 100% Die Ärzte 100% Die Ärzte 50 tracks - 9 150 fans
Cover of playlist Deutschland, deine Hits - 90er Deutschland, deine Hits - 90er 60 tracks - 4 992 fans
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Cover of playlist Deutschland, deine Hits - 80er Deutschland, deine Hits - 80er 50 tracks - 4 780 fans
Cover of playlist TRUE ROMANCE TRUE ROMANCE 1 173 tracks - 164 fans
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Cover of playlist Zeitreise 80er Zeitreise 80er 70 tracks - 23 377 fans
Cover of playlist Lieblingsnachbar*in Lieblingsnachbar*in 15 tracks - 12 fans

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For every mood


Die Ärzte are a German punk-pop-rock band from Berlin. The band was founded in 1982, with singer and guitarist Farin Urlaub and singer and drummer Bela B. among the founding members. Rodrigo Gonzáles has been plucking the bass since 1993. Die Ärzte released their debut album Debil in 1984. In the early phase of their career, Die Ärzte repeatedly provoked with cheeky, provocative lyrics. The result: regular indexing, which made the band particularly popular with young people. In 1988, Die Ärzte announced their dissolution, but returned all the more successfully in 1993 with the album Die Bestie In Menschengestalt. In Germany, the album climbed to number 2 and achieved triple gold status. In Austria, it even reaches number 1 and goes platinum. Die Ärzte released their first number 1 album in Germany with 13 in 1998. Their subsequent albums also regularly make it to the top of the German charts, including Runter mit den Spendierhosen, Unsichtbarer! (2000), Geräusch (2003), Jazz ist anders (2007), Auch (2012), Hell (2020). In 2021, Die Ärzte released the album Dunkel, with which the band once again climbed to the top position. Many of the band's songs now have cult status, including "Zu Spät", "Westerland", "Schrei Nach Liebe", "Ein Schwein Namens Männer", "Unrockbar", "Junge" and "Lasse Redn". Die Ärzte receive several music awards for their music, including the German music award Echo several times, the MTV Europe Music Award in 2003 as Best German Act and in 2008 the World Music Award as World's Best Selling German Artist. In 2024, the number 1 album Geräusch from 2003 is released as a vinyl edition. With this, Die Ärzte once again make it to number 3 in the German charts. The vinyl edition of Jazz ist anders also reaches number 74 in the German charts in August 2024.