Artist picture of Kettcar


13 333 fans

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Album cover of Sommer '89 (Er schnitt Löcher in den Zaun)
Sommer '89 (Er schnitt Löcher in den Zaun)
Album cover of Balu
Album cover of Balu
Album cover of Deiche
Album cover of Mit der Stimme eines Irren
Mit der Stimme eines Irren
Album cover of 48 Stunden
48 Stunden
Album cover of Mein Skateboard kriegt mein Zahnarzt
Mein Skateboard kriegt mein Zahnarzt
Album cover of Scheine in den Graben
Scheine in den Graben
Album cover of Balkon gegenüber
Balkon gegenüber
Album cover of Der Tag wird kommen
Der Tag wird kommen

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Playlists & music by Kettcar

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Cover of playlist Indie Super Hits Indie Super Hits 60 tracks - 334 fans
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Kettcar is an indie rock band from Germany founded in 2001. The founding members of the Hamburg-based band include singer and guitarist Marcus Wiebusch, bassist Reimer Bustorff, drummer Frank Tirado-Rosales and keyboardist Lars Wiebusch. Musically, Kettcar play indie rock and indie pop. Kettcar released their first EP Solange die dicke Frau noch singt, ist die Oper nicht zu Ende in 2001 as a free download via their own website. The debut album Du und wieviel von deinen Freunden is released in 2002 via the band's own label Grand Hotel van Cleef. The second album, Von Spatzen und Tauben, Dächern und Händen (Of Sparrows and Pigeons, Roofs and Hands), is a direct top 10 success in the German charts at number 5. The singles "48 Stunden" and "Deiche" also make it into the German charts. The album successor Sylt also climbs to number 5 in Germany in 2008. The single " Graceland" makes it into the German charts at number 57. in 2009, Kettcar go on a concert tour. They perform their songs backed by strings from the Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt. A concert recording can be found on the live album Fliegende Bauten (2010). Two years later, the album Zwischen den Runden is released, another top 10 success in Germany at number 5. The band then took a creative break. In 2017, Kettcar returned with Ich vs. The longplayer made it to number 4 in Germany. Two years later comes the EP Der süsse Duft der Widersprüchlichkeit (Wir vs. ich), a kind of sequel to the previous album. It takes a while again until another studio album, Gute Laune ungerecht verteilt, is released in 2024. This longplayer is Kettcar's first number 1 success in Germany.