Artist picture of Igor Stravinsky

Igor Stravinsky

73 369 fans

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Artist's Top Tracks

Album cover of Petrouchka - Three Movements for Piano (1921) / Scene 1 : Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Three Movements for Piano (1921) / Scene 1 - IV. Russian Dance
Petrouchka - Three Movements for Piano (1921) / Scene 1 : Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Three Movements for Piano (1921) / Scene 1 - IV. Russian Dance
Album cover of The Firebird, K010: No. 16, Lullaby
The Firebird, K010: No. 16, Lullaby
Album cover of Petrouchka - Three Movements for Piano (1921) / Scene 4 : Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Three Movements for Piano (1921) / Scene 4 - The Shrovetide Fair
Petrouchka - Three Movements for Piano (1921) / Scene 4 : Stravinsky: Petrouchka - Three Movements for Piano (1921) / Scene 4 - The Shrovetide Fair
Album cover of Petrushka Suite: The Crowds
Petrushka Suite: The Crowds
Album cover of The Soldier's Tale Suite: IV. The Royal March
The Soldier's Tale Suite: IV. The Royal March
Album cover of The Rite of Spring : Procession of the Oldest-and-Wisest
The Rite of Spring : Procession of the Oldest-and-Wisest
Album cover of Petrushka Suite: Dance of the Coachmen and the Grooms
Petrushka Suite: Dance of the Coachmen and the Grooms
Album cover of Pulcinella Suite: I. Sinfonia (Ouverture). Allegro moderato
Pulcinella Suite: I. Sinfonia (Ouverture). Allegro moderato
Album cover of The Firebird, K010: No. 9, Round Dance of the Princesses
The Firebird, K010: No. 9, Round Dance of the Princesses
Album cover of The Firebird Suite: Pantomime III
The Firebird Suite: Pantomime III

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Playlists & music by Igor Stravinsky

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