It’s been an unusual year. Coming off what should have been a 6 week tour with The Expendables but had been abruptly shortened to a 3-days spiral into devastation, we were a real pack of sad bois here at Artikal Sound System.
In May we got a call from a sweet friend with a fat piece of undeveloped land near Lake Okeechobee, smack dab in the middle of our home state of Florida. Would we like to go camping and make some music in the swampy woods? The answer was a resounding ‘Duh.’
We packed up the van and blasted out to central Florida for an amazing night of camping, fireside sing a longs and wood-wandering. We decided to capture some live renditions of our most recent single ‘Unfortunate Situation’, and a cover of our favorite Fleetwood Mac tune ‘Dreams’. We even brought Chance the Shooter along to film some of our adventure.
If you close your eyes, I think you can hear our smiles pulsating through the sound waves. We had a lot of fun and got a lot of mosquito bites recording these two little ditties for you and we hope you enjoy them! If you’re here, reading this ramble, know that we love you, we appreciate your supportive ears and we can’t wait to play for you ‘IRL’ someday soon! Much love, A.S.S.