Artist picture of Kensuke Ushio

Kensuke Ushio

2 417 fãs

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Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Smells Blood
Smells Blood
Album cover of Her Baton
Her Baton
Album cover of Devilman No Uta
Devilman No Uta
Album cover of flw
Album cover of D.V.M.N.
Album cover of Crybaby
Album cover of van
Album cover of Hope
Album cover of Akira the Wild
Akira the Wild
Album cover of Tears

Último lançamento

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Álbuns populares

Kensuke Ushio: Álbuns mais populares

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Kensuke Ushio: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Anime Chill アニメ・チル Anime Chill アニメ・チル 50 faixas - 6 649 fãs
Cover of playlist Japan Ambient Japan Ambient 51 faixas - 3 853 fãs
Cover of playlist Japan Cherry Blossom Japan Cherry Blossom 51 faixas - 4 497 fãs
Cover of playlist RESET par Fnac RESET par Fnac 675 faixas - 436 fãs
Cover of playlist Anime Radar 新着アニメ Anime Radar 新着アニメ 49 faixas - 18 fãs
Cover of playlist Anime Coding Konzentration Anime Coding Konzentration 118 faixas - 30 fãs
Cover of playlist Instrumental Anime Instrumental Anime 41 faixas - 95 fãs
Cover of playlist Anime Gaming Background Music Anime Gaming Background Music 72 faixas - 98 fãs
Cover of playlist Best of Anime OST Best of Anime OST 40 faixas - 1 112 fãs

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Ouça Kensuke Ushio na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Japanese artist Kensuke Ushio dabbles in a variety of musical guises. Born in Tokyo, Japan, on March 1, 1983, with his rock supergroup Lama he has released two full-length studio records that charted on the Japanese Albums Chart. Wearing his electronic hat, Ushio releases music under the name agraph, which he christened with 2008 debut album A Day, Phases. Two years later his second album Equal arrived and in 2016, The Shader. Ushio has also mapped a successful career as a composer, writing and composing soundtracks for anime television series and movies including 2014's Space Dandy and 2016's A Silent Voice. In 2020, Ushio flexed his composer muscle on and an original net anime series for Netflix by Science Saru, Japan Sinks: 2020. One of his notable recent works includes Kimi No Iro: All Is Colour Within (2024) showcasing his ability to blend various musical styles into cohesive soundtracks that resonate with a wide audience. Ushio's dynamic range in music production continues to make him a sought-after composer in both the music and anime industries.