Artist picture of The Bird and the Bee

The Bird and the Bee

13 901 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de The Bird and the Bee na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Again & Again
Again & Again
Album cover of How Deep Is Your Love
How Deep Is Your Love
Album cover of Fucking Boyfriend
Fucking Boyfriend
Album cover of I'm Into Something Good
I'm Into Something Good
Album cover of Kiss On My List
Kiss On My List
Album cover of I Can't Go For That
I Can't Go For That
Album cover of Private Eyes
Private Eyes
Album cover of Little Drummer Boy
Little Drummer Boy
Album cover of Maneater

Lançamento mais popular

Novos lançamentos de The Bird and the Bee na Deezer

Álbuns populares

The Bird and the Bee: Álbuns mais populares

Artistas semelhantes

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Cavetown Cavetown 244 480 fãs
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Roar Roar 51 391 fãs
Crystal Castles Crystal Castles 363 326 fãs
Peter McPoland Peter McPoland 2 047 fãs
Grimes Grimes 249 716 fãs


The Bird and the Bee: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Pop Covers Acústicos Pop Covers Acústicos 42 faixas - 2 124 fãs
Cover of playlist What's up witches? What's up witches? 50 faixas - 3 427 fãs
Cover of playlist covers vol.2 covers vol.2 89 faixas - 476 fãs
Cover of playlist Cozy Christmas Cozy Christmas 60 faixas - 43 359 fãs
Cover of playlist Halloween Hits 🎃 Spooky Season Halloween Hits 🎃 Spooky Season 81 faixas - 1 496 fãs
Cover of playlist Duas Caras Duas Caras 28 faixas - 67 fãs
Cover of playlist COVID-19 Quarantine Anthems COVID-19 Quarantine Anthems 62 faixas - 154 fãs
Cover of playlist Alternative Christmas 2022 Alternative Christmas 2022 166 faixas - 128 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça The Bird and the Bee na Deezer

Para todos os moods
