Artist picture of Sasha


10 360 fãs

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Top músicas do artista

Album cover of If You Believe
If You Believe
Album cover of If You Believe
If You Believe
Album cover of Love Is All Around
Love Is All Around
Album cover of Jour de chance
Jour de chance
Album cover of Ella Quiere
Ella Quiere
Album cover of Astra
Album cover of Pale Reich
Pale Reich
Album cover of Lucky Day
Lucky Day

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Sasha na Deezer

How to Wear Raybans Well

por Sasha


16 fãs

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Sasha: Álbuns mais populares

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Sasha: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist 100% Saltatio Mortis 100% Saltatio Mortis 50 faixas - 1 451 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Kelvin Jones 100% Kelvin Jones 40 faixas - 294 fãs
Cover of playlist BRAVO Hits 38 BRAVO Hits 38 34 faixas - 136 fãs
Cover of playlist Zeitreise 90er Zeitreise 90er 70 faixas - 32 117 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Nico Santos 100% Nico Santos 50 faixas - 2 134 fãs
Cover of playlist Deutschland, deine Hits - 00er Deutschland, deine Hits - 00er 50 faixas - 3 936 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Subway To Sally 100% Subway To Sally 25 faixas - 194 fãs
Cover of playlist Kinderlieder: Jazz Kinderlieder: Jazz 57 faixas - 9 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Sasha 100% Sasha 50 faixas - 345 fãs
Cover of playlist BRAVO Hits 22 BRAVO Hits 22 34 faixas - 246 fãs
Cover of playlist Kuschel Balladen Kuschel Balladen 60 faixas - 13 888 fãs
Cover of playlist BRAVO Hits 36 BRAVO Hits 36 28 faixas - 113 fãs

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German pop singer Sascha Röntgen-Schmitz, known to the public as Sasha and Dick Brave, was born in Soest on January 5, 1972. He achieved local fame as a teenager with his first bands and was hired as a backing singer for rapper Young Deenay due to his special voice. He achieved his first major chart successes as a feature guest on the songs "Walk On By" (1997) and "Wannabe Your Lover" (1998). After two unsuccessful solo singles, he made it into the German Top 20 for the first time in 1998 with "I'm Still Waiting" (feat. Young Deenay). His final breakthrough as an independent artist came with the follow-up single "If You Believe", which reached the Top 5 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and was awarded platinum and gold records. Shortly afterwards, his debut album Dedicated to... was released , which contained two more top 10 hits, "We Can Leave the World" and "I Feel Lonely" (both 1999). Sasha's triumphal march continued with the album ... You (2000) and the singles "Let Me Be the One" and "Chemical Reaction". in 2001, he followed this up with his third album Surfin' on a Backbeat and confirmed the hype. The most successful single was "This Is My Time" (2002). He landed hit after hit, won two Echos, was named Best Artist three times in a row at the 1 Live Krone between 2000 and 2002 and seemed to have played the pop game. So in 2002 he started a new project: Dick Brave and the Backbeats. The band released reinterpretations of well-known hits in rockabilly guise and reached number 1 in the German charts with their debut album Dick This! (2003). Since then, Sasha has been characterized by constant, successful releases and, thanks to his authentic and likeable manner, has become an integral part of the German-speaking pop circus. in 2018, he released his ninth studio album Schlüsselkind, on which he worked entirely with German lyrics for the first time. In his home country, the album reached number 4 on the bestseller list.