Artist picture of Flenn


229 812 fãs

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por Flenn


148 fãs

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Flenn: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist 100% Flenn 100% Flenn 50 faixas - 18 460 fãs
Cover of playlist Best of Rap DZ 2020 Best of Rap DZ 2020 39 faixas - 3 555 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% TIF 100% TIF 20 faixas - 1 738 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Phobia Isaac 100% Phobia Isaac 50 faixas - 5 804 fãs
Cover of playlist Top Algeria 2020 Top Algeria 2020 50 faixas - 1 957 fãs
Cover of playlist POP URBAINE RAÏ POP URBAINE RAÏ 61 faixas - 353 fãs
Cover of playlist TIF - 1.6 TIF - 1.6 10 faixas - 1 353 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Zako 100% Zako 50 faixas - 2 046 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Klam 100% Klam 30 faixas - 547 fãs

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Para todos os moods


Born on November 24, 1993 in Algiers (Algeria), rapper Flenn (real name Mehdi Koulougli) began writing when he was just 14, then joined the Big-M group at the age of 15. However, in 2009, he seemed to give up on his dream and took a break that lasted until 2012, when he returned to the group after taking care to refine his style. He went on to release his first mixtape, Derba S'hiha , in 2013. It wasn't until 2019, however, that his first 6-track EP, 15 Jours, was released, followed a few months later by a second called Wb. His first full-length album, Alcat'Rap , was released in 2021 and featured a number of collaborations, including C4, LD-MC, Riad Bouroubaz, Mc Boy, Bad-ID, Lei-Bi and Lanonyme. It was shortly followed by Flou, a new project featuring contributions from Syc and Zedk, on the tracks "Ça dépend " and "Napoli" respectively. In 2022, Moudja comprises just seven tracks, including "Business", "Bondia " and "Spam".