Artist picture of Bettye Swann

Bettye Swann

2 190 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Bettye Swann na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye
Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye
Album cover of Tell It Like It Is
Tell It Like It Is
Album cover of Make Me Yours
Make Me Yours
Album cover of Little Things Mean A Lot
Little Things Mean A Lot
Album cover of Suspicious Minds
Suspicious Minds
Album cover of The Boy Next Door
The Boy Next Door
Album cover of The Heartache is Gone
The Heartache is Gone
Album cover of This Old Heart of Mine
This Old Heart of Mine
Album cover of The Dance is Over
The Dance is Over
Album cover of (My Heart Is) Closed For The Season
(My Heart Is) Closed For The Season

Lançamento mais popular

Novos lançamentos de Bettye Swann na Deezer

Álbuns populares

Bettye Swann: Álbuns mais populares

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Bettye Swann: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Late Night Soul Late Night Soul 50 faixas - 32 789 fãs
Cover of playlist Vintage Soul Vintage Soul 500 faixas - 1 875 fãs
Cover of playlist #theworldisfemale #theworldisfemale 69 faixas - 34 fãs
Cover of playlist Transparent Transparent 26 faixas - 39 fãs
Cover of playlist ATLANTIC SOUL ATLANTIC SOUL 50 faixas - 168 fãs

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Ouça Bettye Swann na Deezer

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