Artist picture of Heuss L'enfoiré

Heuss L'enfoiré

802 651 fãs

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9922 fãs

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Heuss L'enfoiré: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist 2023 Pop France 2023 Pop France 50 faixas - 4 267 fãs
Cover of playlist Rapstars Rapstars 40 faixas - 678 053 fãs
Cover of playlist Certifié Certifié 52 faixas - 203 839 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Heuss L'enfoiré 100% Heuss L'enfoiré 30 faixas - 18 216 fãs
Cover of playlist 2023 Rap Français 2023 Rap Français 80 faixas - 10 489 fãs
Cover of playlist Hits de l'été Hits de l'été 50 faixas - 216 449 fãs
Cover of playlist Les Hits de la Rue Les Hits de la Rue 50 faixas - 360 315 fãs
Cover of playlist Good Mood - Healthie HOUR Good Mood - Healthie HOUR 2 000 faixas - 819 fãs
Cover of playlist Carré VIP Carré VIP 50 faixas - 465 248 fãs

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Karim Djeriou (Gennevilliers, Hauts-de-Seine, August 11, 1992), better known as Heuss l'Enfoiré, grew up in Seine-Saint-Denis before moving to the Belgian commune of Schaerbeek, near Brussels, at the age of twenty. He began his rap career in 2014 under the pseudonym Heustleur, then began a series entitled BX Land with regular collaborators including Zepek and Soolking. Noticed by Sofiane, who invited him on "IDF" (2018), Heuss l'Enfoiré signed with the Affranchis Music label and recorded the singles "L'Addition" with Vald, "L'Enfoiré" and "Les Méchants" that same year , alongside other collaborations with Hornet la Frappe and Sadek. His duet with Sofiane, "Khapta", reaches number one in the sales charts and appears with the previous tracks on his debut album En Esprit (2019). This, buoyed by the success of "George Moula" (No. 21), includes a dozen new chart-topping tracks, including "Benda" with Sooking, "Aristocrate" and "G.M.T.B.". It reaches third place in the French charts. In 2020, after the solo track "L'Ancien", follows the album Horizon Vertical, in tandem with Vald, preceded by the double single "Guccissima" (#27) / "Matrixé " (#33). Rated No. 3 in France, this second album is followed by "BX Land 6" (2021), "Bar-Mitzvah" (2022) and "La Marseillaise " (with Ninho, No. 27), as well as collaborations with Kore, Mac Tyer, Sadek, Vegedream and Wejdene. In 2023, the duo "Saiyan", with Gazo (n° 12), anticipated the album Chef d'Orchestre, which also featured Ninho, Zeg P, Nyma, Wejdene and Soolking. The following year, the rapper released his third album, La Vie de Roni (No. 4 in France), which featured the single "Mélanine ", on which he collaborated with Werenoi.