Artist picture of Orla Gartland

Orla Gartland

12 206 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Orla Gartland na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Why Am I Like This?
Why Am I Like This?
Album cover of The Hit
The Hit
Album cover of Did It To Myself
Did It To Myself
Album cover of Never Been Better (feat. Orla Gartland)
Never Been Better (feat. Orla Gartland)
Album cover of Mine
Album cover of Kiss Ur Face Forever
Kiss Ur Face Forever
Album cover of Nothing Compares 2 U - InVersions
Nothing Compares 2 U - InVersions
Album cover of Backseat Driver
Backseat Driver
Album cover of SOUND OF LETTING GO
Album cover of Late To The Party (feat. Declan McKenna)
Late To The Party (feat. Declan McKenna)

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Orla Gartland na Deezer

Everybody Needs a Hero

por Orla Gartland


274 fãs

Álbuns populares

Orla Gartland: Álbuns mais populares

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Orla Gartland: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist New Folk New Folk 150 faixas - 54 850 fãs
Cover of playlist New Alternative New Alternative 150 faixas - 68 914 fãs
Cover of playlist Queer Alternative Queer Alternative 60 faixas - 4 750 fãs
Cover of playlist Heartstopper Soundtrack Heartstopper Soundtrack 74 faixas - 3 652 fãs
Cover of playlist InVersions - Deezer Originals InVersions - Deezer Originals 10 faixas - 7 874 fãs
Cover of playlist bloom bloom 43 faixas - 59 fãs
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Heartstopper Soundtrack: Heartstopper 115 faixas - 1 124 fãs
Cover of playlist Indie Tranquilo Indie Tranquilo 60 faixas - 23 fãs
Cover of playlist Freshy Freshy 368 faixas - 2 878 fãs
Cover of playlist Relax and Discover Relax and Discover 241 faixas - 118 fãs
Cover of playlist Alternative Road Trip Alternative Road Trip 125 faixas - 217 fãs
Cover of playlist BRAND NEW KINK BRAND NEW KINK 112 faixas - 212 fãs
Cover of playlist Folk Music Folk Music 216 faixas - 5 fãs
Cover of playlist Chill Songs Chill Songs 361 faixas - 260 fãs
Cover of playlist STILLE OG ROLIGT STILLE OG ROLIGT 397 faixas - 34 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Orla Gartland na Deezer

Para todos os moods
