Artist picture of Mc Ale

Mc Ale

86 533 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Mc Ale na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of A Entrega
A Entrega
Album cover of Enrola o Cabo
Enrola o Cabo
Album cover of É Bem Assim
É Bem Assim
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Fim do Ano 2
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Perdoa Mãe
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O Segredo
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Agencia da Tiger

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Mc Ale: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Funk Consciente 2024 | As Melhores Funk Consciente 2024 | As Melhores 54 faixas - 5 461 fãs
Cover of playlist é os D vida🔥 é os D vida🔥 90 faixas - 432 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Mc Rodolfinho 100% Mc Rodolfinho 50 faixas - 700 fãs

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Para todos os moods


MC Alê arrived on the Brazilian funk scene early, scoring his first hit in his early teens singing about money, inequality and working class life in Brazil.

MC Alê, born Alexandre Custódio in São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, took to music around the age of nine or ten, making medleys with friends. By the age of 14 the young MC already had a string of hits on his hands. His first single 'Preta Cor de Chumbo' was released in June 2018 and in a little under a year racked up 24 million views on YouTube. His follow-up, a collaboration with MC Neguin called 'Enrola O Cabo', managed to top it, picking up 35 million views in eight months while 'A Entrega', made with MC Rondolfinho, did even better with 63 million views in six months.

With his career taking off, the young artist has moved to Osasco to pursue success, regularly putting out new material and performing live.