Artist picture of Unleashed


20 607 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Unleashed na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Midvinterblot
Album cover of Open Wide
Open Wide
Album cover of Before the Creation of Time
Before the Creation of Time
Album cover of Shadows in the Deep
Shadows in the Deep
Album cover of The Immortals
The Immortals
Album cover of Execute Them All
Execute Them All
Album cover of Dead Forever
Dead Forever
Album cover of Midsummer Solctice
Midsummer Solctice
Album cover of The One Insane
The One Insane
Album cover of Countess Bathory
Countess Bathory

Lançamento mais popular

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Unleashed: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Best Metal Hits Best Metal Hits 354 faixas - 1 417 fãs
Cover of playlist Blast From The Past Blast From The Past 50 faixas - 84 fãs

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Although less well-known and less big-selling than other death metal bands with bigger names, Unleashed has been a serious specialist in the genre since 1989. The Swedish band established their reputation as early as 1991 with their debut album Where No Life Dwells. Unleashed's discography is as solid as a coffin, and includes Victory (1995), Sworn Allegiance (2004) and As Yggdrasil Trembles (2010). On hiatus from 1997 to 2002, Unleashed summed up their career in 2008 with the compilation Viking Raids: 1991-2004 - Best of Unleashed. More alive than dead, Unleashed released Dawn of the Nine in May 2015.