Artist picture of Tegan and Sara

Tegan and Sara

79 504 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Tegan and Sara na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Where Does the Good Go
Where Does the Good Go
Album cover of Closer
Album cover of Right On Time
Right On Time
Album cover of Back in Your Head
Back in Your Head
Album cover of Everything Is AWESOME!!! (feat. The Lonely Island)
Everything Is AWESOME!!! (feat. The Lonely Island)
Album cover of Make You Mine This Season
Make You Mine This Season
Album cover of You Wouldn't like Me
You Wouldn't like Me
Album cover of Call It Off
Call It Off
Album cover of Walking with a Ghost
Walking with a Ghost
Album cover of Fix You Up
Fix You Up

Último lançamento

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Álbuns populares

Tegan and Sara: Álbuns mais populares

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Lorde Lorde 1 916 413 fãs
Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne 5 528 779 fãs
Death Cab for Cutie Death Cab for Cutie 185 951 fãs
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Carmody Carmody 1 461 fãs
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Tegan and Sara: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Movies & Series Hits Movies & Series Hits 51 faixas - 7 882 fãs
Cover of playlist Heartstopper Soundtrack Heartstopper Soundtrack 74 faixas - 3 711 fãs
Cover of playlist 10s Film Hits 10s Film Hits 42 faixas - 420 fãs
Cover of playlist Halloween Hits Halloween Hits 50 faixas - 12 795 fãs
Cover of playlist 2010s Pride 2010s Pride 60 faixas - 8 685 fãs
Cover of playlist One Tree Hill soundtrack One Tree Hill soundtrack 100 faixas - 3 781 fãs
Cover of playlist Natal POP Natal POP 100 faixas - 608 fãs
Cover of playlist Horror Pop Horror Pop 50 faixas - 6 918 fãs
Cover of playlist What's up witches? What's up witches? 50 faixas - 3 750 fãs
Cover of playlist Believe The Hype ∙ Bloc Party Believe The Hype ∙ Bloc Party 249 faixas - 1 337 fãs
Cover of playlist Merry Christmas Canada! Merry Christmas Canada! 90 faixas - 164 fãs

Destaque em

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Para todos os moods
