Artist picture of Seiko Matsuda

Seiko Matsuda

1 776 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Seiko Matsuda na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Anataniaitakute -Missing You-
Anataniaitakute -Missing You-
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Album cover of Watashidakeno Tenshi -Angel-
Watashidakeno Tenshi -Angel-
Album cover of Kaze Tachinu
Kaze Tachinu
Album cover of Aoi Sangosho
Aoi Sangosho
Album cover of Sweet Memories (Re-Mix Version)
Sweet Memories (Re-Mix Version)
Album cover of Sweet Memories
Sweet Memories
Album cover of Anataeno Omoi
Anataeno Omoi
Album cover of Eternal Flame
Eternal Flame
Album cover of Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Seiko Matsuda na Deezer

Seiko Jazz 3

por Seiko Matsuda


19 fãs

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Seiko Matsuda: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Anime Openings, Endings, Insert Songs Anime Openings, Endings, Insert Songs 1 993 faixas - 10 370 fãs
Cover of playlist Japan Love Songs Japan Love Songs 50 faixas - 2 470 fãs
Cover of playlist 80s Japan Hits 80s Japan Hits 50 faixas - 2 366 fãs
Cover of playlist Anime Songs 90s Anime Songs 90s 735 faixas - 1 578 fãs
Cover of playlist Anime Songs 70s & 80s Anime Songs 70s & 80s 562 faixas - 616 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Seiko Matsuda 100% Seiko Matsuda 50 faixas - 97 fãs
Cover of playlist カラオケ BEST HITS カラオケ BEST HITS 57 faixas - 246 fãs
Cover of playlist DIGSTER - Silky Smooth Jazz DIGSTER - Silky Smooth Jazz 43 faixas - 138 fãs

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Seiko Matsuda, born Noriko Kamachi on March 10, 1962, in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, is a renowned figure in Japanese pop music. With a career spanning several decades, she has become an iconic artist often dubbed the "Queen of J-pop" or the "Eternal Idol" due to her lasting influence on the genre. Matsuda began her entertainment industry career at a young age. Her debut single, "Hadashi no Kisetsu," was released in 1980 and immediately achieved great success, reaching the 12th position on the Japanese charts. This single, along with its successor "Aoi Sangoshō," was featured on her first album, Squall, providing the then 18-year-old singer with a strong start to her career. Her next album, North Wind, was released just a few months later and also entered the Top 100 in Japan at number 74. More importantly, it included the single "Kaze wa Akiiro," marking the beginning of an impressive series of 24 consecutive Number 1 singles for Matsuda. Her prolific output allowed her to maintain her success, and the numerous albums she released continued to captivate an ever-growing audience. Some of her notable achievements include albums like top-charting Citron (1988), Seiko (1990), Eternal (1991), Diamond Expression (1993), and Vanity Fair (1996), however her popularity persisted into the new century, with most of her albums performing well on the charts, including top five records My Prelude (2010), Shining Star (2016) and Daisy (2017). In 2023, a new comprehensive collection titled Bible: Milky blue/Bible: Pink & blue - Special edition was released, landing at number 16 on the Japanese charts.