Artist picture of Gaither Vocal Band

Gaither Vocal Band

20 245 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Gaither Vocal Band na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Alpha And Omega
Alpha And Omega
Album cover of You Are My All In All/Canon In D
You Are My All In All/Canon In D
Album cover of Can't Help Falling In Love
Can't Help Falling In Love
Album cover of Way Maker
Way Maker
Album cover of Jesus Messiah
Jesus Messiah
Album cover of He Touched Me
He Touched Me
Album cover of 10,000 Reasons
10,000 Reasons
Album cover of Home For The Holidays
Home For The Holidays
Album cover of When I Cry
When I Cry
Album cover of Reckless Love
Reckless Love

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Gaither Vocal Band: Playlists e Músicas

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Formed by southern gospel legend Bill Gaither in 1981, the Gaither Vocal Band is a contemporary Christian group with a deep catalog of award-winning religious releases. The ensemble's first full-length album, The New Gaither Vocal Band, was released in 1981 and featured Bill Gaither alongside Gary McSpadden, Lee Young, and Steve Green. Jon Mohr had replaced Lee Young by the time the band returned in 1983 for a second album, Passin' the Faith Along, and The Gaither Vocal Band's lineup continued to evolve frequently throughout the subsequent three decades. 1990's A Few Good Men peaked at Number 23 on the Top Christian Albums Chart and marked the group's first of Billboard-certified success, while 1991's Homecoming became the Gaither Vocal Band's first Grammy-winning release. The group continued to release albums at a near-yearly rate and enjoyed its greatest success during the 2000s, during which time the group regularly cracked the Top 10 of the Billboard Top Christian Albums Chart wit relaxes like 2002's Everything Good, 2006's Give It Away, and 2007's Together. The Gaither Vocal Band also climbed to Number 1 on the Top Christian Albums Chart with 2009's Gaither Vocal Band Reunion (Vol. 1), an album that featured members from throughout the group's long history. The 2010s were similarly successful, with highlights including Hymns (a Number 7 hit in 2014), Sometimes It Takes a Mountain (a Number 6 success 2014), and the concert release Reunion (Live) (a Number 7 hit in 2019).