Artist picture of Bill Charlap Trio

Bill Charlap Trio

1 458 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Bill Charlap Trio na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of I'll Know
I'll Know
Album cover of A Quiet Girl (From Wonderful Tree)
A Quiet Girl (From Wonderful Tree)
Album cover of Day Dream
Day Dream
Album cover of Sophisticated Lady
Sophisticated Lady
Album cover of All The Things You Are
All The Things You Are
Album cover of I'll Remember April
I'll Remember April
Album cover of It's Love
It's Love
Album cover of Time After Time
Time After Time
Album cover of Only The Lonely
Only The Lonely
Album cover of I'm Old Fashioned
I'm Old Fashioned

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Bill Charlap Trio na Deezer

And Then Again (Live)

por Bill Charlap Trio


179 fãs

Álbuns populares

Bill Charlap Trio: Álbuns mais populares

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Bill Charlap Trio: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Piano Bar Piano Bar 50 faixas - 31 999 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz reading 📖 Jazz reading 📖 50 faixas - 74 525 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazzy Romance Jazzy Romance 50 faixas - 39 271 fãs
Cover of playlist Acoustic Jazz Acoustic Jazz 50 faixas - 13 846 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz Now Jazz Now 107 faixas - 24 622 fãs
Cover of playlist Piano Calme Piano Calme 179 faixas - 2 144 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz Romantique Jazz Romantique 79 faixas - 876 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz Jazz 79 faixas - 323 fãs
Cover of playlist Novità Jazz Novità Jazz 64 faixas - 164 fãs
Cover of playlist JazzEcho JazzEcho 49 faixas - 184 fãs

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Ouça Bill Charlap Trio na Deezer

Para todos os moods


The Bill Charlap Trio was formed by jazz pianist Bill Charlap, bassist Peter Washington and drummer Kenny Washington in 1997. Charlap came from a musical family, his father being Broadway composer Moose Charlap and his mother singer Sandy Stewart. Charlap is married to the jazz pianist and composer Renee Rosnes.

The Trio are a leading force in jazz and noted for their interpretations of popular American songs. They made their debut with ''S Wonderful' in 1998, followed by 'Written in the Stars' in 2000. They received Grammy nominations for 'Somewhere: The Songs of Leonard Bernstein' (2004) and 'The Bill Charlap Trio: Live at the Village Vanguard' in 2007. In 2015 they released 'Notes from New York'. In 2016 the Trio plus Tony Bennett on vocals recorded the Grammy Award-winning album 'The Silver Lining: The Songs of Jerome Kern', followed up by 'Uptown, Downtown' in 2017.