Artist picture of Culcha Candela

Culcha Candela

236 276 fãs

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Album cover of Schöne neue Welt
Schöne neue Welt
Album cover of Next Generation
Next Generation
Album cover of Monsta
Album cover of Killah
Album cover of No Tengo Problema
No Tengo Problema
Album cover of WILDES DING
Album cover of Eiskalt
Album cover of Von allein
Von allein
Album cover of Somma im Kiez
Somma im Kiez
Album cover of Homie

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por Culcha Candela


22 fãs

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Culcha Candela: Playlists e Músicas

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Culcha Candela is a reggae, dancehall and hip-hop band from Berlin that was founded in 2002 and initially consisted of band members Johnny Strange, Itchyban and Lafrotino. They were gradually joined by Larsito, Mr. Reedoo, Don Cali and DJ Chino. The different origins of the members are also reflected in the music, with the band members rapping and singing in English, German, Spanish and Patois. In 2004, their debut album Union Verdadera is released, which makes it into the German charts. The second album Next Generation, which is largely influenced by reggae, follows on September 12, 2005 and is also the occasion for the band's first tour. in 2007, the band released "Hamma!", the lead single from their third album Culcha Candela. With a direct entry at number 1 and a platinum record, the band achieves the greatest success of its career to date. A year later, the band represented their hometown of Berlin at the Bundesvision Song Contest with the song "Chica". Culcha Candela's fourth studio album Schöne neue Welt goes platinum in Germany and gold in Switzerland, and the singles "Monsta", "Eiskalt" and "Somma im Kiez" also enjoy success. On October 22, 2010, their first best-of album Das Beste is released, featuring songs from their four old albums as well as three new songs: "Move It", "Berlin City Girl" and "General". At the end of 2012, Culcha Candela announced that they would be taking a break the following year, during which the band members would be working on solo projects, among other things. At the beginning of 2015, the band, now consisting of just four members, released their album Candelistan, followed by Feel Erfolg in 2017. After 19 years of band history, TOP TEN is released in 2021, which includes features from DJ Antoine, ThatGurlHanna and Bovann.