Artist picture of Samra


494 835 fãs

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Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Kiss Me
Kiss Me
Album cover of CR1MINEL
Album cover of So alleine
So alleine
Album cover of Pourquoi
Album cover of 3 Kugeln
3 Kugeln
Album cover of Schüsse im Regen
Schüsse im Regen
Album cover of Ich Liebe Dich
Ich Liebe Dich
Album cover of Rohdiamant ٢٠٢٠
Rohdiamant ٢٠٢٠
Album cover of Purple Rain
Purple Rain
Album cover of Ya Habibi
Ya Habibi

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por CANEY030, Samra


55 fãs

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Samra: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Deutschrap Super Hits Deutschrap Super Hits 100 faixas - 7 613 fãs
Cover of playlist New Hits New Hits 149 faixas - 14 192 fãs
Cover of playlist Best of Topic incl. Out My Head Best of Topic incl. Out My Head 50 faixas - 520 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% LEA 100% LEA 50 faixas - 9 542 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Kontra K 100% Kontra K 50 faixas - 22 066 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Sido 100% Sido 50 faixas - 11 518 fãs
Cover of playlist Deutschrap Workout Deutschrap Workout 60 faixas - 20 563 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Summer Cem 100% Summer Cem 50 faixas - 1 535 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% AK Ausserkontrolle 100% AK Ausserkontrolle 50 faixas - 4 742 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% ELIF 100% ELIF 50 faixas - 1 619 fãs
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Destaque em

Ouça Samra na Deezer

Para todos os moods


With his moody, shadowy beats, Samra came strutting on to Germany's gangsta rap scene in 2016 as a protégé of Bushido, before his big hit 'Cataleya' became his first number one single as a solo artist in 2018.

Born in Berlin to Lebanese parents, Hussein Akkouche idolised the new wave of German rap such as Fler, Azad and Xatar and first started making appearances on songs by Alpa Gun and Mert, initially under the moniker Samra45. That was later shortened just to Samra (a feminine name in Arabic meaning 'the dark ones'), and he started lighting up the scene with early underground tracks 'Lila' and 'Die Eins'. He began crossing over into the charts in his own right with singles 'Rohdiamant' and 'Roadrunner' as well as featuring on Bushido's chart-topping hit 'Fur Euch Alle', but it was the eerie love song 'Cataleya' that really announced Samra as a major new star when it reached number one in Germany and notched up tens of millions of views on YouTube.

Known for his gruff delivery and his smooth, rampant flow, he also topped the charts when he teamed up with Capital Bra on 'Wir Ticken' and was named Newcomer of the Year at the Awards, but he later left Bushido's label Ersguterjunge and signed a deal with Universal Records. He returned again with top five single 'Ya Salame' featuring Luciano in 2019 and his debut album 'Malboro Rot' followed later in the year.