Artist picture of Zouk Machine

Zouk Machine

20 995 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Zouk Machine na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

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Pisime zouke
Album cover of Maldòn
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Gouyad Last Last
Album cover of Something Going On
Something Going On
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Album cover of Date Of Love
Album cover of Sove lanmou
Sove lanmou
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Ou ke rive
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Kompa Gouyad Sovaj

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Zouk Machine na Deezer

Foul gouyad

por Zo Konpa, Zouk Machine, Konpa Lakay


15 fãs

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Zouk Machine: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Bleu blanc hits 90 Bleu blanc hits 90 50 faixas - 66 899 fãs
Cover of playlist Bonne humeur Bonne humeur 60 faixas - 91 959 fãs
Cover of playlist Soirée 90 Soirée 90 50 faixas - 43 182 fãs
Cover of playlist Que la fête commence Que la fête commence 150 faixas - 167 380 fãs
Cover of playlist Claudio Capéo Claudio Capéo 2 000 faixas - 3 875 fãs
Cover of playlist Été 90 Été 90 50 faixas - 21 906 fãs
Cover of playlist France 90 France 90 50 faixas
Cover of playlist MOTIVATION POUR LE MÉNAGE MOTIVATION POUR LE MÉNAGE 41 faixas - 7 261 fãs
Cover of playlist France 90 France 90 50 faixas - 25 fãs
Cover of playlist Été 90 Été 90 50 faixas - 20 fãs
Cover of playlist Les tubes des années 90 Les tubes des années 90 65 faixas - 6 507 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Zouk Machine na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Zouk Machine brings together members of the Guadeloupe group Expérience 7, namely Guy Houllier, Yves Honoré, Joëlle Ursull, Christiane Obydol and Dominique Zorobabel. By 1986, the group was making a name for itself in Guadeloupe with its debut album Zouk Machine and its first hit, "Sové Lanmou". While differences of opinion precipitated the fate of Joëlle Ursull, who chose to leave the group and strike out on her own, Zouk Machine recruited Jane Fostin in 1989 and returned to success with its third album and the hit "Maldòn", which reached No. 1 in the Top 50 in 1990. Selling several hundred thousand copies, this third project brought the group a number of prestigious concerts, including the Zénith in Paris. With Kréòl in 1991, the band maintained their reputation (No. 24 in the Top 50), before experiencing a slowdown with the lacklustre success of Clin D'œil, released in 1994. As a result of these lower sales figures, Zouk Machine's partnership with record label BMG came to an end, and the band was reorganized around Christiane Obydol and Dominique Zorobabel, who presented the discreet Sept Nuits Blanches (1999). After another split, with Christiane Obydol continuing the adventure alone, a new album under the Zouk Machine name was released in 2008, Koud'Soley, before the story ran out of steam. What remained were the group's early hits, which have become part of the zouk heritage and the subject of numerous covers over the years.