Artist picture of Maxime Le Forestier

Maxime Le Forestier

226 866 fãs

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Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Mon frère
Mon frère
Album cover of San Francisco
San Francisco
Album cover of Né quelque part
Né quelque part
Album cover of La petite fugue
La petite fugue
Album cover of Éducation sentimentale
Éducation sentimentale
Album cover of J'Ai Eu Trente Ans
J'Ai Eu Trente Ans
Album cover of Passer ma route
Passer ma route
Album cover of Chanson pour l'Auvergnat
Chanson pour l'Auvergnat

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Maxime Le Forestier: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Essentiels chanson française Essentiels chanson française 50 faixas - 251 559 fãs
Cover of playlist RFI Francophonie RFI Francophonie 1 722 faixas - 5 433 fãs
Cover of playlist Bleu blanc hits 70 Bleu blanc hits 70 50 faixas - 50 060 fãs
Cover of playlist France 80 France 80 50 faixas - 315 fãs
Cover of playlist Karaoke 70 Karaoke 70 100 faixas - 72 fãs
Cover of playlist 80erne - 100 HIts Fra 80erne 80erne - 100 HIts Fra 80erne 1 999 faixas - 1 189 fãs
Cover of playlist Legends Legends 2 000 faixas - 7 401 fãs
Cover of playlist Variété Française des années 80 Variété Française des années 80 77 faixas - 1 132 fãs
Cover of playlist Musique française années 80 Musique française années 80 102 faixas - 4 223 fãs
Cover of playlist Chanson francaise Karaoké Chanson francaise Karaoké 63 faixas - 1 120 fãs
Cover of playlist Années 80 Années 80 206 faixas - 85 273 fãs

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Maxime Le Forestier emerged as a protest singer in the aftermath of the 1968 student protests in France. Trained in the classical violin as a child, he heard Georges Brassens and was inspired to take up the guitar as a teenager. He played in Paris cafés often singing with his sister Catherine.

During his military service in a parachute regiment in 1969, he continued to make music and released his debut single 'Coeur de Pierre, Face de Lune'. After his military service he lived in Marseille and then moved to a hippie commune in San Francisco. Returning to France in 1971 he released his Bob Dylan-influenced debut album 'Mon Frere'. This contained some of his most iconic songs such as 'San Francisco' describing his time staying in the 'blue house' among San Francisco's hippie community, 'L'Education Sentimentale', 'Comme un Arbre' and 'Parachutiste'. The album made him one of France's best-known counter culture acts and he earned a dedicated live following, valued for both his authenticity and his policy of never charging fans more than ten francs for a concert.

In 1975 he released 'Saltimbanque', a controversial album that was banned by several radio stations. After spending a year in Canada he recorded a more personal album 'N° 5', released in 1978. This album did not fare as well commercially and nor did the 1980 recording 'Les Rendez-vous Manques'. In 1988 Forestier achieved chart success with 'Ne Quelque Part', an anthem to racial equality, and played a series of sold-out shows at the Bataclan in Paris. His later albums include 1995's 'Passer Ma Route', on which he collaborated with acts as diverse as Vanessa Paradis and Bratsch. In 1996 he released '12 Nouvelles de Brassens', an album of Georges Brassens covers.

His 2000 album 'L'Echo des Etoiles' contained 'Les Chavaux Rebelles', a song written for Algerian singer Lounes Matoub, who was assassinated before he could record it.

In 2004 Forestier co-wrote the musical 'Gladiateur' and in 2008 he released the album 'Reston Amants' followed by 'Le Cadeaux' in 2013 and the live album 'Olympia 2014'. In 2019, at the age of 70, he released the album 'Paraitre Ou Ne Pas Etre'.