Artist picture of The Word Alive

The Word Alive

52 170 fãs

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Album cover of MONOMANIA
Album cover of Rise (Redux)
Album cover of Why Am I Like This?
Why Am I Like This?
Album cover of One Of Us
Album cover of New Reality
New Reality
Album cover of NO WAY OUT

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The Word Alive: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist 100% League of Legends 100% League of Legends 50 faixas - 705 fãs
Cover of playlist League Of Legends Classics League Of Legends Classics 44 faixas - 17 116 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Our Last Night 100% Our Last Night 50 faixas - 1 519 fãs
Cover of playlist Headbang Metal | FILTR Headbang Metal | FILTR 96 faixas - 480 fãs
Cover of playlist Rock Salute Rock Salute 62 faixas - 149 fãs
Cover of playlist Claudio Capéo Claudio Capéo 2 000 faixas - 3 878 fãs
Cover of playlist Metal Heroes Metal Heroes 60 faixas - 296 fãs

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The American metalcore band The Word Alive formed in Phoenix, Arizona, in 2008. Originally fronted by Craig Mabbitt, who also served as lead vocalist for the post-hardcore band Escape the Fate, The World Alive recorded an EP's worth of material before Mabbitt was jettisoned from the lineup. With Tyler Smith serving as The Word Alive's new singer, the band signed with Fearless Records in 2009 and released Empire, an EP that reached Number 15 on the Billboard Heatseekers Albums chart. Deceiver, the band's full-length debut album, followed in 2010, reaching Number 97 on the Billboard 200, Number 37 on Top Rock Albums, and Number 14 on Top Hard Rock Albums. Two of the band's original members, drummer Tony Aguilera and bassist Nick Urlacher, left the lineup later that year, with guitarist Zack Hansen quickly becoming the sole co-founder to remain on the group's roster. Nonetheless, The World Alive continued to grow in popularity with albums like 2012's Life Cycles, 2014's Real, and 2016's Dark Matter, all three of which were Top 10 hits on Billboard's Top Hard Rock Albums chart. 2018's Violent Noise featured guest appearances by vocalist Danny Worsnop and rapper rapper Sincerely Collins, while 2020's Monomania marked the band's final release for Fearless Records. Two years later, the band released "Nocturnal Future," The World Alive's first collaboration with its new label, Thriller Records.