Artist picture of The Lovin' Spoonful

The Lovin' Spoonful

18 390 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de The Lovin' Spoonful na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Daydream
Album cover of Summer in the City
Summer in the City
Album cover of (Till I) Run With You
(Till I) Run With You
Album cover of Do You Believe in Magic?
Do You Believe in Magic?
Album cover of Night Owl Blues
Night Owl Blues
Album cover of Younger Girl
Younger Girl
Album cover of Darling Be Home Soon
Darling Be Home Soon
Album cover of Sportin' Life
Sportin' Life
Album cover of Coconut Grove
Coconut Grove
Album cover of Girl, Beautiful Girl (Barbara's Theme)
Girl, Beautiful Girl (Barbara's Theme)

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de The Lovin' Spoonful na Deezer

Kicks (Live)

por The Lovin' Spoonful


2 fãs

Álbuns populares

The Lovin' Spoonful: Álbuns mais populares

Artistas semelhantes

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The Animals The Animals 322 548 fãs
The Doors The Doors 3 503 294 fãs
Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder 2 165 699 fãs
Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin 1 686 070 fãs
Donovan Donovan 37 396 fãs
Otis Redding Otis Redding 944 992 fãs
David Bowie David Bowie 2 075 687 fãs
The Turtles The Turtles 48 120 fãs


The Lovin' Spoonful: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Feel Good Classics Feel Good Classics 70 faixas - 69 547 fãs
Cover of playlist California Dream California Dream 50 faixas - 36 288 fãs
Cover of playlist Mellow Days Mellow Days 70 faixas - 87 179 fãs
Cover of playlist City Sounds Los Angeles City Sounds Los Angeles 50 faixas - 7 935 fãs
Cover of playlist 60s Happy Hits 60s Happy Hits 50 faixas - 21 554 fãs
Cover of playlist 60s Pop 60s Pop 70 faixas - 10 421 fãs
Cover of playlist HITS OF THE 60s by UDiscover HITS OF THE 60s by UDiscover 169 faixas - 1 458 fãs
Cover of playlist Playlist Last Night in Soho Playlist Last Night in Soho 59 faixas - 579 fãs
Cover of playlist WOODSTOCK GENERATION WOODSTOCK GENERATION 81 faixas - 5 373 fãs
Cover of playlist Surf e outras Praias Surf e outras Praias 78 faixas - 336 fãs
Cover of playlist 100 Greatest Movie Songs 100 Greatest Movie Songs 78 faixas - 182 fãs

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