Artist picture of Cosmo's Midnight

Cosmo's Midnight

3 378 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Cosmo's Midnight na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of BREAKTHROUGH
Album cover of Bang My Line (feat. Tkay Maidza)
Bang My Line (feat. Tkay Maidza)
Album cover of Feel Good
Album cover of Borrowed Time (feat. Forest Claudette)
Borrowed Time (feat. Forest Claudette)
Album cover of C.U.D.I (Can U Dig It)
C.U.D.I (Can U Dig It)
Album cover of Down for You
Down for You
Album cover of Eating Heartache (feat. spill tab)
Eating Heartache (feat. spill tab)
Album cover of Gimme Some More (feat. Shungudzo)
Gimme Some More (feat. Shungudzo)
Album cover of Have It All (feat. Age.Sex.Location)
Have It All (feat. Age.Sex.Location)
Album cover of Yesteryear

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Cosmo's Midnight: Álbuns mais populares

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Cosmo's Midnight: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Good Vibes Good Vibes 60 faixas - 151 971 fãs
Cover of playlist Piscine Cocktail Piscine Cocktail 70 faixas - 1 638 fãs
Cover of playlist I Just Want To Dance ! I Just Want To Dance ! 60 faixas - 1 072 fãs
Cover of playlist Happy Songs 🤩 Feel Good Hits Happy Songs 🤩 Feel Good Hits 255 faixas - 171 fãs
Cover of playlist THIS IS Chill THIS IS Chill 73 faixas - 23 357 fãs
Cover of playlist cyber pop | emerging hyperpop cyber pop | emerging hyperpop 184 faixas - 49 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Ruel 100% Ruel 30 faixas - 1 353 fãs
Cover of playlist Verão Canal OFF Verão Canal OFF 40 faixas - 116 fãs
Cover of playlist Too Slow To Disco NEO - FM Too Slow To Disco NEO - FM 332 faixas - 833 fãs
Cover of playlist Nu Disco | Ministry of Sound Nu Disco | Ministry of Sound 60 faixas - 684 fãs
Cover of playlist IBIZA CHILLOUT 2023 🌴 IBIZA CHILLOUT 2023 🌴 246 faixas - 574 fãs
Cover of playlist Future Garage/UK Bass/UK House Future Garage/UK Bass/UK House 155 faixas - 1 823 fãs

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Ouça Cosmo's Midnight na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Twin brothers Cosmo and Patrick Liney comprise the EDM dup Cosmo’s Midnight. Natives of Sydney, Australia, the twosome started the act in 2012 after they completed their studies at Waverly College. Soon after winning a contest for their creative remix of the Flume song “Sleepless”, the band tapped Nicole Millar to sing on their debut single, “Phantasm”. That track appeared on their 2013 debut EP Surge. The Snare EP would follow in 2014, a collection that included “Walk With Me”, the duo’s first single to be certified gold by the Australian Recording Industry Association. They continued to remix other artists’ work including Anna Lunoe’s “Breathe” and Kilter’s “Hold Me”. After their first North American tour in 2017, they released their debut album, What Comes Next, in 2018. That album spun off another pair of ARIA certified gold singles, “Get to Know” and “Talk to Me”. More singles followed including 2019’s “Have It All” and the 2020 track “Down for You”, which became their first single to crack the New Zealand top 10. Their unique take on EDM allowed them to collaborate with a wide range of artists such as Age.Sex.Location, Winston Surfshirt, and Ruel.