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Canadian musical comedy kingpin Jon Lajoie (born on August 21, 1980 in Longueuil, Quebec) first rose to fame on YouTube, earning a reputation for sharing his original funny musical creations and satirical aliases like faux rappers that he began posting to his channel in 2007. His debut album, You Want Some of This?, was released in January 2009 and collected his comedic YouTube sketches to date, including the rap-led "Everyday Normal Guy" and "Everyday Normal Guy 2." For his second album, I Kill People (2010) – which also featured tracks previously uploaded to YouTube – Jon Lajoie turned in a Top 10 US comedy album. For his third and fourth albums, he switched lanes and swapped comedy for indie-folk, releasing music under a new alias, the Terminator 2-inspired Wolfie's Just Fine. I Remembered, But Then I Forgot arrived in 2016 and Perfection, Nevada in 2018. Jon Lajoie has forged a successful career in TV and film alongside his musical endeavors, notching up credits in US police and action parody series NTSF:SD:SUV:: (National Terrorism Strike Force: San Diego: Sport Utility Vehicle::) and 2020 kids film Wish Upon a Unicorn. In 2021, he released a COVID-19 pandemic-themed new single, "One Thing."