Artist picture of Taiwan Mc

Taiwan Mc

28 315 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Taiwan Mc na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Let the Weed Bun
Let the Weed Bun
Album cover of Bubblin'
Album cover of Reach the Sky
Reach the Sky
Album cover of Let the Weed Bun
Let the Weed Bun
Album cover of Reach the Bass
Reach the Bass
Album cover of One Last Dance
One Last Dance
Album cover of Gunshot Again
Gunshot Again
Album cover of Catalina
Album cover of Heavy This Year
Heavy This Year

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Taiwan Mc na Deezer

Junglist Crew

por Speaker Louis, Taiwan Mc, Parly B


23 fãs

Álbuns populares

Taiwan Mc: Álbuns mais populares

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Taiwan Mc: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist RFI Francophonie RFI Francophonie 1 722 faixas - 5 433 fãs
Cover of playlist Playlist Chinese Man's selection Playlist Chinese Man's selection 136 faixas - 1 889 fãs
Cover of playlist Afrobeat & Dancehall Night Afrobeat & Dancehall Night 84 faixas - 1 147 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Taiwan Mc na Deezer

Para todos os moods


A singer drawn to electro dub, Frenchman Taiwan MC began to make a name for himself in 2004. He took part in drum'n'bass parties organized in the French capital, before becoming involved in the Liquid Wicked project in 2006. It was his 2009 encounter with Chinese Man and its label that enabled him to reach a wider audience. Taiwan MC took part in the album Racing With the Sun and the tour that followed, where he performed as far afield as Asia and South America. Also collaborating with Tom Fire and Deluxe, Taiwan MC released the EP Heavy This Year in 2013, featuring Biga Ranx on one track. In 2014, Taiwan MC released his second EP Diskodub.