Artist picture of Tom Zanetti

Tom Zanetti

35 478 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Tom Zanetti na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of You Want Me (feat. Sadie Ama)
You Want Me (feat. Sadie Ama)
Album cover of Darlin'
Album cover of Didn't Know
Didn't Know
Album cover of More & More (feat. Karen Harding)
More & More (feat. Karen Harding)
Album cover of Slow Down
Slow Down
Album cover of Hope It's Not Too Late
Hope It's Not Too Late
Album cover of Uber (feat. Curtis Clacey)
Uber (feat. Curtis Clacey)
Album cover of Feeling You (feat. SJAY MUSIC Twilight)
Feeling You (feat. SJAY MUSIC Twilight)
Album cover of George Best (feat. Tom Zanetti)
George Best (feat. Tom Zanetti)

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Tom Zanetti: Álbuns mais populares

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British DJ and producer Thomas Byron Courtney was born in Belle Isle, Leeds, England, on July 2, 1989. A passionate fan of electronic music, he began DJing in clubs at the age of 17, after being expelled from high school, and concentrated fully on his musical aspirations. A young father from the age of 16, he nonetheless had to string together a series of odd jobs, working for a time in a warehouse making pallets, or as a butcher, window washer, bricklayer or milkman. By 2014, he was making a name for himself with the single "Goin'In" with Jack Walton, followed in 2015 by "Darlin'". It wasn't long before consecration arrived in 2016 with the track "You Want Me", which recorded the collaboration of singer Sadie Ama. In 2017, he released "Uber", followed by "More & More" with Karen Harding, which in turn enjoyed chart success. While "Candy" and "Balloon Tune " failed to reach the charts in 2018, "Make It Look Good", featuring Preditah, entered the UK dance charts that same year. Two years later, he released the single "Flight Mode", with Silky.