Artist picture of Rosario


65 381 fãs

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Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Yo se que te amaré (Eu se que vou te amar)
Yo se que te amaré (Eu se que vou te amar)
Album cover of Te Quiero Te Quiero
Te Quiero Te Quiero
Album cover of Te Quiero Te Quiero
Te Quiero Te Quiero
Album cover of Si Me Llevas Contigo
Si Me Llevas Contigo
Album cover of La Gata Bajo La Lluvia
La Gata Bajo La Lluvia
Album cover of ¡Que Bonito!
¡Que Bonito!
Album cover of Agua y Sal
Agua y Sal
Album cover of Oye Primo
Oye Primo
Album cover of Algo De Mí
Algo De Mí

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Rosario: Playlists e Músicas

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Cover of playlist 100% Rosario 100% Rosario 50 faixas - 380 fãs
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Cover of playlist TEMAZOS EN ESPAÑOL TEMAZOS EN ESPAÑOL 100 faixas - 78 fãs

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Ouça Rosario na Deezer

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Born on November 4, 1963 in Madrid as the youngest child of famed Romani musicians Lola Flores and Antonio "El Pescaílla" González, Rosario Flores first caught the public eye as an actress, although it was her mononymous music career, taking cues from an amalgamation of flamenco music, rock, R&B and Catalan rumba, which would land her a big break. First foraying into music in 1984 with her little-known mini album Vuela una noche, Rosario’s musical breakthrough came eight years on with her Ondas Award-winning debut album De ley, which spawned the hit singles “Mi gato” and “Sabor, sabor”. Working closely alongside her brother and co-writer Antonio until his untimely death in 1995, she paid tribute to him throughout her third LP, 1996’s Mucho por vivir. Nominated for a Latin GRAMMY for the first time with the ensuing 1999 album Jugar a la locura, Flores made further strides internationally with the 2001 follow-up Muchas flores, which included covers of two of her late parents’ most iconic duets and resulted in her first Latin GRAMMY award. Continuing to record and release music prolifically in the ensuing decades, she has since secured several more platinum-certified albums, another Latin GRAMMY win for 2003’s De mil colores, and her first Spanish chart-topper in the form of 2008’s “No dudaría”. Furthering her reputation as a national superstar, she joined the Spanish incarnation of music talent show The Voice in 2012, serving as a judge for numerous seasons and reprising her role in the spin-off show The Voice Kids.