Artist picture of Lauren Daigle

Lauren Daigle

189 146 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Lauren Daigle na Deezer

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Album cover of You Say
You Say
Album cover of Rescue
Album cover of Look Up Child
Look Up Child
Album cover of Believe For It (feat. Lauren Daigle)
Believe For It (feat. Lauren Daigle)
Album cover of Still Rolling Stones
Still Rolling Stones
Album cover of You Say
You Say
Album cover of Remember
Album cover of Trust in You
Trust in You
Album cover of Thank God I Do
Thank God I Do
Album cover of Hold On To Me
Hold On To Me

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por Lauren Daigle


350 fãs

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Lauren Daigle: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Gospel Hits Internacionais Gospel Hits Internacionais 50 faixas - 61 121 fãs
Cover of playlist Gospel Internacional Gospel Internacional 99 faixas - 532 fãs
Cover of playlist Anime Openings, Endings, Insert Songs Anime Openings, Endings, Insert Songs 1 993 faixas - 10 369 fãs
Cover of playlist Wedding Songs 2024 Wedding Songs 2024 127 faixas - 759 fãs
Cover of playlist Work Music (for the Office & Home) Work Music (for the Office & Home) 100 faixas - 1 022 fãs
Cover of playlist Praise & Worship Praise & Worship 72 faixas - 18 380 fãs
Cover of playlist Top 50 Christian Songs Top 50 Christian Songs 130 faixas - 292 fãs
Cover of playlist dinner & wine - summer vibes dinner & wine - summer vibes 116 faixas - 1 091 fãs
Cover of playlist Musica Cristiana Musica Cristiana 72 faixas - 361 fãs
Cover of playlist 100 Greatest Movie Songs 100 Greatest Movie Songs 79 faixas - 178 fãs
Cover of playlist sleep for a quiet night sleep for a quiet night 125 faixas - 395 fãs
Cover of playlist Top 50 Mundo Gospel Top 50 Mundo Gospel 62 faixas - 454 fãs
Cover of playlist MOTIVATIONAL MUSIC MOTIVATIONAL MUSIC 178 faixas - 198 fãs

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Lauren Daigle is a contemporary Christian artist who was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana on September 9, 1991. She was brought up in a musical environment surrounded by the rich influences of zydeco, blues, and Cajun elements, all of which can be heard throughout her own material. As a teenager, she suffered a serious form of glandular fever which kept her away from school for two years and sidetracked any desire to start a career in music. At the age of 19, having resumed her studies, she began singing in the college choir and auditioned for American Idol as a solo artist. She began singing for a number of faith ensembles before eventually being signed to the Centricity Music label. After performing a track on a Centricity sampler album she began to build a fan base and in 2015 released her debut full-length album How Can It Be. The album debuted at Number 1 on the Billboard Christian charts and cracked the Top 20 of the US pop charts before eventually going platinum. It was an impressive debut for an artist who has continued to build a successful career not only in the Christian genre but also among mainstream audiences. Following the release of the holiday album Behold: A Christmas Collection in 2016, Lauren Daigle returned with her sophomore effort, Look Up Child, in 2018. Produced by Paul Mabury and Jason Ingram, her second album received extensive praise from critics, reaching Number 1 on the Christian charts on both sides of the Atlantic and peaking at Number 3 on the Billboard 200. Look Up Child won Best Contemporary Christian Music Album at the 2019 Grammy Awards and was followed by the release of her eponymous third studio effort in 2023.