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English heavy metal band Orange Goblin has been around since 1995. Briefly known as Our Haunted Kingdon, they released their stoner rock and doom metal debut Frequencies from Planet Ten in 1997. The band, led by guitarist and vocalist Ben Ward, went on to release Tim Travelling Blues (1998) and The Big Black (2000), often cited as their benchmark album. Coup de Grace followed in 2002, then Thieving from the House of God (2004) and Healing Through Fire (2007). The seventh studio album, A Eulogy for the Damned (2012), is followed by a live counterpart, the band's first, A Eulogy for the Fans: Orange Goblin Live 2012, released in 2013. The band, adept at doom metal and stoner rock, opens up to other psychedelic and blues influences on Back from the Abyss (2014) and The Wolf Bites Back (2018).