Artist picture of Razor


5 683 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Razor na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of The Marshall Arts
The Marshall Arts
Album cover of City of Damnation
City of Damnation
Album cover of Speed Merchants
Speed Merchants
Album cover of March of Death
March of Death
Album cover of Take This Torch
Take This Torch
Album cover of Cross Me Fool
Cross Me Fool
Album cover of The Pugilist
The Pugilist
Album cover of Fast and Loud
Fast and Loud
Album cover of Hot Metal
Hot Metal
Album cover of Electric Torture
Electric Torture

Último lançamento

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Razor: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Metal BBQ Metal BBQ 60 faixas - 3 407 fãs
Cover of playlist Feeling Happy 🙂😃 Feeling Happy 🙂😃 81 faixas - 807 fãs

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Para todos os moods


Since forming at a secret live performance in Tokyo in 2016, RAZOR have emerged as a dominant force within the world of Japanese visual kei rock. The band initially comprised vocalist Ryoga (ex-BORN) and guitarist Tsurugi (Sadie) who recruited ex-DOWNER bassist IZA and former members of BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND, guitarist Kouryu and drummer Tetsuya, to complete the full RAZOR unit. Their debut mini-album RED INVISIBLE landed that year with the follow-up, the CORE, arriving in 2017. The band put out mini-albums and singles at a consistent rate over the next few years, including 2021 mini-album PARASITE INVSIBLE and 2021 full-length GOMAIBA. A slew of new singles saw the light in 2023, including "GRAVITY EMOTION" and "Earendel."